Different versions of the CFR are updated on different schedules. The official CFR, in print and online, is updated less frequently than the unofficial versions (e-CFR, Westlaw, Lexis, etc.). Accordingly, the update process is differs for the official and unofficial versions.
Each title of the CFR is updated once per year and the updated titles are issued on a quarterly basis. This holds true for both the online and print versions of the official CFR.
There are two ways to do this. The first method explains how to do update only using paper copies or official sources. The second method updates using electronic sources and is unofficial.
1) Official
To update the official CFR, you should verify when the title containing the regulation you are using was last updated. This is located on the front cover of the title in print or near the title heading in the online version.
Then, you should check the most recent List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA). This is up to date through the end of the month listed on the front cover of the title. Updates to regulations are listed by section numbers under the appropriate CFR title. The numbers to the right of each section are the page in the Federal Register where the change can be found.
Third, you need to update from the end of the month listed in the List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) to the current date. Each copy of the Federal Register has a CFR Parts Affected During {Month} section in the back under Reader Aids.This will update the rules through the date of that Federal Register. The CFR Parts Affected During {Month} section is a cumulative list for the month. If the LSA is more than a month out of date, you will need to check the last Federal Register for each month between the LSA date and the current date as well as the most recently issued Federal Register. If you are using an online copy of the Federal Register, you can access the Reader Aids section either through viewing the entire issue or by browsing the Table of Contents (TOC).
2) Unofficial / Electronically
Alternatively, and frankly more easily, you can use the e-CFR to update the title to the date stated in the "e-CFR data is current as of {date}" statement. Likely, that date is not more than a week or so out of date.
Then you would turn to the Federal Register to update to the latest issue. Each copy of the Federal Register has a CFR Parts Affected During {Month} section in the back under Reader Aids.This will update the rules through the date of that Federal Register. The CFR Parts Affected During {Month} section is a cumulative list for the month. If you are using an online copy of the Federal Register, you can access the Reader Aids section either through viewing the entire issue or by browsing the Table of Contents (TOC).
If the e-CFR currentness date is a few days prior to the end of the previous month and you are a few days into the current month, you would check both the last Federal Register of the previous month and the last published Federal Register bring the rule up to date.