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Preemption Checking for Law Reviews and Journals: Staying Current

How to check previous scholarship to ensure that your note, comment, or article will add to the legal scholarship on your topic.


Setting alerts to notify you of newly-published articles will help prevent unpleasant surprises in your final preemption check. Most databases will let you set up alerts or automatic searches and will email you results.

This will make your preemption check go faster as well as alert you to any new scholarship on your topic published while you are writing.

How to set alerts and save searches:

Current Index to Legal Periodicals: Use Westlaw's WestClip.

šIndex to Legal Periodicals: Use the alerts function provided on the publisher's web site.

šHeinOnline's Law Journal Library: Use MyHein to save searches.

šLexis: Use the alarm bell graphic located after "Results for: search terms" to create an alert.

Westlaw: Use the alarm bell graphic located on the right side of the page next to Sort: to create a WestClip Alert

šGoogle Scholar: Use the "create email alert" function.

šNon-Legal Article Databases: each database will have a different method. If you have trouble, ask a librarian for help.

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