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Journal Subcite Tips: Articles

Shortcuts for LSU Law Junior Associates.

R. 16 Articles


Law Reviews (HeinOnline)

The good news is: 9 times out of 10 your citations to law reviews and other academic legal journal articles will be available in Hein. Issues published within the past year or so not yet available in Hein may be available electronically somewhere else; follow the Non- Law Review directions below in those cases.

NB. If the pinpoint cite is wrong in the footnote of the draft article, you may want to search for quotes, etc. using Westlaw or Lexis, and then obtain the PDF copy from Hein. Alternatively, search the Index to Legal Periodicals for the author or title keywords to both verify the cite and link directly to the article in Hein or elsewhere. 

Non- Law Review

If the paper is not yet published, try SSRN.

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